I'm Moving To British Columbia
Whether you people know it or not, you're being watched. That's right. Scroll down to the bottom of this page, then come back. Did you see those little red numbers down there? Yeah, they're from a company called StatCounter, and what they do is tell me who's been playing in my Funhouse, when they were here, and where they're from.
That's right. I know all about you regular readers in Florida, Texas, Virginia, Scotland, Germany, England, and elsewhere. And appreciate your business. Even the German dude. But the most intriguing visitors are the seemingly endless supply of nubile vixens from British Columbia, Canada, where I'm apparently worshipped as some kind of pagan god. Not that I can blame them.
So to all the BC babes with crushes on yours truly -- including Frodge, who linked me on her blog, and Hawaika -- big smooches from the big poppa. And don't hesitate to send me some "sporty" pictures of yourselves, if you know what I mean. If you don't, I mean naked pictures. The dirtier the better. I swear I'll still respect you afterwards.
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