Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm Glad I'm Not A Bald Chick

Here's the thing. I'm at work today -- a highly classified line of work, might I add -- when this older broad gets on the elevator. And by older, I mean much older. A real mummy, you know? And the topper? Bald. That's right, completely bald. Yuck.

So I say to myself -- and by that, I mean said out loud -- "Self, even if we go completely bald in our lifetime, we will never be a bald woman. Thank christ."

Long story short, the lady burst into tears, mumbling something about chemotherapy or some shit, and I had a good chuckle. Hey, what can I say? You gotta smell the roses where you find 'em, folks.


Anonymous said...

Wow, your cool.

Oswald Carver said...

I would say "thanks." But given that you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're," I'll pass on your support.